Vector image of how AutoFlip determines your car’s value

How AutoFlip Determines Your Car’s Value

AutoFlip ensures you get the best price for your car with a detailed valuation process. Learn more about how AutoFlip values your car before listing.

Selling your car and getting a fair deal doesn't have to be a headache with AutoFlip. We follow a detailed process to accurately understand your car's value, ensuring you receive a competitive offer based on current and reliable data. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps we take to value your vehicle.

The Initial Online Evaluation

Our valuation process begins with a simple, user-friendly online form where you provide the key details about your car. This includes the make and model, year of manufacture, current odometer reading, and your assessment of the overall condition. Is it in good shape, or does it need some repairs?

Once you've submitted these crucial details, our platform automatically taps into the latest market data to generate an initial estimated price range for your vehicle. This initial estimate is a solid starting point, giving you a ballpark figure on your car's potential worth based on real-time market information.

A Closer, Personal Look

While that initial online evaluation is a valuable tool, the real determination of your car's accurate market value comes through a more personalised, in-depth approach conducted by our experienced vehicle experts.

Our team will thoroughly analyse your vehicle, considering the basic details like make, model, and mileage, as well as real-time pricing data from AutoGrab and other sources. This is where our expertise really shines, as we consider the factors that can influence your car's value in the current market conditions.

We'll assess the desirability of your specific make and model, factoring in trends and consumer preferences that may be driving demand for certain types of vehicles. We'll also evaluate the impact of your car's age and mileage on its value, as well as the overall condition of both the interior and exterior.

Our experts will examine your vehicle's service history, taking note of any repairs, maintenance, or accidents that may have occurred throughout its lifespan. This comprehensive look at your car's background provides valuable insights into its overall condition and reliability, which can significantly impact its market value.

Key Factors That Influence Value

During this detailed evaluation process, several key factors affect your car's valuation.

Steps to Potentially Boost Your Car's Value

If you're looking to potentially increase your ride's valuation before listing, here are some tips:

The AutoFlip Advantage

With AutoFlip, valuing and selling your car is a smooth, transparent process designed to get you the best return. You can trust that we’ll negotiate based on your car's true value. Whether you're upgrading, downsizing, or just ready for something new, we're here to ensure a fair, easy, and profitable sale.